The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name. Exodus 15:3
I know I've said this many times (and this probably won't be the last), but we have an amazing leader in Pastor Chad at Destiny Church. He delivers such relevant teaching and many times spoken words for many at the perfect time. This past Sunday was one of those perfect times.
First, let me say I am going through a very difficult time in my life. I have reached a point of burnout. I find it very hard just to get out of bed in the morning, but by God's grace I get up and make it through the day. I hope you don't mind if I am completely transparent for a bit, but I really need a time of refreshing from God really bad. However, I don't really have the time to get away or the financial means to get away. So here I go, trying to continue doing the work God has called me to do and go from burnout to warrior!!!
Back to this past weekend. I am gonna try to make this short and sweet. The challenge that Pastor Chad has put on the men of Destiny Church is what I think needs to happen in every home. So here are the cliff notes. It is time for men to be men. Step up and be a MAN!!! Stop letting this world try to make you a female and be a push over. The world (especially the American mentality) is trying to castrate men and take away our natural tendency to be dominant in all we do. Men are made to be the leaders of their homes; physically and spiritually. One of the best quotes from Pastor Chad this weekend was, "The world is trying to turn men into women and the results are in: MEN DO NOT MAKE GOOD WOMEN." It is time for men to go from being forced into this unnatural role and become warriors.
Now, I'm not saying a woman has to stay home and be "bare foot and pregnant in the kitchen." It is just time for the men of the church to step up and lead their families. Men, it is your responsibility to lead your family to Christ, to provide for their needs and protect them from this world. We have to stop being pushovers and letting our families be beaten down and run over by the perversions of this world. It is time for men to spend time with their children (this one is for me too). It's time to stop sitting in front of the tv or video game and play with our kids or love our wives. Get up, go for a walk, play catch, go to a playground, have a date. Just be the head of your family and be there for them and with them.
Here is going to be a tough part to swallow. Men and women, you are your children's PARENTS not best friends. It's time to stop letting our daughters leave the house in clothes that advertise their physical attributes. It's time to teach our sons to be gentlemen and treat females like ladies, no matter who they are. It's time to teach our daughters to be ladies and not act like they are for sale and to save themselves for marriage. It is time for discipline, when our kids do something wrong they need to learn what they did is wrong and accept their punishment. Our kids must learn that WE are in charge of our homes not them, and we will not be pushovers anymore.
Bottom line, men be MEN!!! You can be loving, compassionate and strong. You can be fathers, protectors of your families, and lovers to your wife. You can do these things, you just have to be a MAN, a warrior, a leader.
There is your challenge and it will not be easy, but it is time to go lead and love your kids and wives!!! Thanks for stopping by and God Bless!!!