Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises. For God is the king of all the earth; sing to him a psalm of praise. - Psalm 47:6-7
How many of you know this scenario? You walk into church on Sunday morning, get a bulletin from a greeter, find your way to your seat, maybe say hello to someone you recognize, you stand up when worship starts, hold on to the back of the chair in front of you while you sing, and all during the worship you sing as quiet as you can. When the music finally stops, you are glad that you can sit down and just be a face in the crowd the rest of the morning. Then, when the preacher is done you try to be the first person out the door so you can get on with the rest of your day.
I'll be honest (big surprise), this scenario makes me sick. Now, I do not condemn anyone who does this when they go to church. Everyone is at a different place in their relationship with God, and that is just where some people are at. However, for me, this just won't do. To me, God deserves so much more from my worship. I haven't always had this opinion, but God has been doing some work in me that makes me care less about what other people think of me. My focus is on him, and I want to help others shed whatever holds them back from truly worshiping with all they have.
Now, I guess it might be time to step on some toes. People who think you have to wear a suit and tie to enter the church doors, plus stand at attention while holding a hymn book to sing have it wrong. Now you can say this is just my opinion, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say God agrees with me. How do I know this? Well, I've read the Bible, especially the book of Psalms. I've read stories about how the Israelites, David, Daniel, and many others have worshiped. Now, at times they have stood silently in God's presence, but most of the time they had their hands raised, raised their voices, played their best instruments, danced around, etc. Basically, they unabashedly praised God with every bit of their being, and they did it without shame or caring what other people were saying. Plus, I believe God smiled and took joy in how they were praising him, even if it looked silly.
Let me add some more of my opinion here. I don't think everyone has to worship the same way. Some people give it all they have by singing with their hands raised. Others have to jump up and down or clap their hands. Some people, however, worship God with all they have by just standing in their spot, maybe singing, maybe being quiet before God, and they let the presence of God wash over them. When you sing is doesn't have to be a Grammy winning performance either. All you have to do is make a joyful noise to the Lord. One of the greatest worshipers I know right now sings a little off key, but he has it right. He worships with everything he has no matter who is around him, and I think thats where we all need to be.
So what this comes down to may sound a little strange. It comes down to honesty. You have to be honest with yourself and with God. When the worship music starts what urge do you have? If no one else was around and the music was on a CD, what would you do? Would you clap? Would you jump? Would you raise your hands and voice as high as you could and tell God how much you love and adore him? This is one time you shouldn't ask what would Jesus do. Stop holding back. If you feel like doing something during worship, do it. If your church looks down on that, find a life giving church that lets you worship the way God is calling you to. Stop being proud and embarrassed of God!!! That is what you are doing when you don't give God your all. He will meet you where you are, but you have to let go and worship Him. Do you think that if you go to Heaven you are just gonna walk around with your hands in your pockets? I don't think so. If you make it to Heaven, you with throw yourself at the feet of Jesus and cry out "Holy, Holy, Holy is our Lord God Almighty." If you think I must be crazy for saying that, then you need to read the Bible a little more because it says every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess. I'm pretty sure when it says every, it includes you and me. So why not get a head start and worship him here on earth so you can be practiced up when you get to Heaven.
I feel the need to throw this in also. I believe that worship is one of the main things that you need in your relationship with God. If all you ever do is ask for stuff, how will God know that you love him? Sure he sees your heart, but he wants you to tell him. Does the person you love know that you love them if you never tell them? Of course not. They want to hear you say it, and so does our Savior.
I have to say I hope this shakes somebody up. It's time to let go of religion and have a relationship. It's time to stop being prim and proper and go after an encounter with Christ. Let go. Be free. After all isn't that what Jesus came to this earth for? He came to set us free, and whom the Son sets free is free indeed!
Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...