Saturday, January 26, 2013

When did America become Heaven?...

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14 TNIV)

Look at what is going on in America today. Better yet, look at what is going on in the churches in America. Christians have turned the "church" into a building. We worship the buildings more than we do Jesus. Our pastors no longer preach tough, life changing messages, they preach fluff. I would go as far and say that the Jesus they are preaching about is not the true Jesus Christ. The Jesus they preach isn't powerful enough to change someone's life, let alone create the universe. We have allowed our church leaders to turn Jesus into a false idol.

Too often today, the messages from the pulpits of America are all about prosperity, better this, and better that. While I wholeheartedly believe that God will prosper his people, My question is this, when is hell ever spoken of in these churches? Hell is the new dirty word in the church. We don't want to offend people because they might quit tithing (if they even do that), and then how would we pay for that $2.5 million building? So, all we do is tickle people ears so they will keep putting their butts in the seats and throwing money in the offering bucket, but they never get out of those seats. They are so consumed with the American dream that they don't move. Christians today no longer have the power of God in their lives.

As we keep patting people on the back and saying its ok to do whatever they want, we keep sending them to hell. We as the church have failed and turned God's heavenly dream into our own American dream. We have taken power away from God because we are too worried about the next biggest and best purchase to improve our social status. We think if we sit in a chair on Sunday it's ok to do whatever we want until the next time we walk through the doors to our giant stained glass building that is empty of God's presence.

Wake up! It is time to get off the bench and stop being bleacher bums. It's time to stop being spoon fed by leaders that are more concerned with what they have here than what they are building in heaven. We must dig into the word. We must reach the lost. We must pray! We must forcefully advance the kingdom of God. This is war! It's time to get in the game and make an eternal difference. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Do you want him to wrap his arms around you and say well done, or do you want him to sadly shake his head and say your American dream was not what I had planned for you.

God can and will prosper his people. His seed will never go hungry or beg for bread. But, we have to seek the true Christ that is in the Bible, not the one that is being taught to so many today. Lets seek Him and go out into the world and reach the lost! Lets change the world the way Jesus intended. Let show the lost His love and share the truth with them. Jesus loves all of us and wants to know each and every one of us. The question I ask you is, how much do you want to know the real Jesus?...

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