Wow, what a busy weekend we had. My wife's brother was in to visit for the weekend. He is in the Navy and stationed in Hawaii, so we haven't seen him for about 4 years. Since he came in, her other two brothers came in as well, one from Kansas and the other that is in the Army from Fort Leonard Wood. It was the first time in about 7 years that her entire family was together. It was great to see everyone together. I was feeling a little tired due to lack of sleep with the kids being sick and all that comes with that.
So, Saturday we spent the entire day out at her grandparents house with the family. Then, we went back out on Sunday after church to spend the rest of the time we could with him. He was flying to Connecticut for a class this morning before going back to Hawaii next week. I hope we see him again before another 3 years pass by.
Well, now for the part I really want to talk about, church yesterday morning. My calling in the church has always been music. I started out playing the acoustic guitar but quickly fell in love with playing the bass. I have been doing that for about 15 years now. I'm by no means a professional, but I'm ok and I can play praise and worship with soul. Well, I play one Sunday a month at church and yesterday was my day. Before service we pray and practice and yesterday Pastor Chad asked that we pray for changed lives, and fire in peoples spirit.
When the service started, you could feel God's presence and the peoples hunger for him in the air. The praise and worship part of the service was just absolutely amazing. People wanted to be in God's presence and draw closer to him. Normally after such a powerful worship time in service, you would expect a energized, inspiring message, but this service would be a little different.
Pastor Chad is doing a sermon series called The Practical Atheist. This series has been a little more somber than what he usually preaches. Basically, most people believe in God or a god, but don't actively participate in worshiping or following God. That is what this series is about. This weeks message hit home with a lot of people in our church. I won't go into the full message, so I will sum it up as easily and short as I can. We as CHRISTIANS have stopped being Christ-like. We only want the good of the Bible. We want the blessings and the warm-fuzzies if you will. We don't want the trials, the tribulations, the rejection that comes with wholly selling out and being on fire for God. He showed 10 points that affect the church today that makes us more of the world than of Christ. I must say there were a couple staring me in the face. We may be in the world, but we should not be of the world. If that isn't so in our lives how can people tell the Christians from everyone else in the world. We are supposed to be the light of Christ while we are on this earth. Pastor Chad was transparent with us and said there was a few he struggled with. Because of things like this, I respect him more and more as I build a stronger friendship with him. The altar call that followed was amazing. Basically, Chad asked us all to face our shortcomings and turn them over to God. To begin the journey to be totally on fire for Christ. Almost the entire church stood and as one came to the front to pray. There was an awesome move of the spirit in the service and I feel that lives (including mine) have been and are being changed.
Well, this has been kinda long but yesterday's service has stirred something in me. Where will it lead me and my family? I don't know for sure, but if I let Christ be our guide it can only lead to wonderful things. Catcha fire (as TobyMac would say) and truly seek God in your life and watch him change you for the better.
Thanks for stopping by, and God Bless!
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