Let me start out by saying that the last couple of weeks have been very hectic. All four members of the family have been sick in one way or another. I came down with strep and was sick for almost two weeks, but we made it through and have had a great week getting better.
Last Sunday was my day to run sound at church, I just absolutely love it. About two hours before service, the band, leadership and sound get together for their own time of prayer and worship. This is a very awesome time where God is invited into the service, and I really enjoy this time. Back to this last Sunday, after the worship time, we all came together for prayer. Chad said that he felt that something was happening in the leadership of the church and that it is headed in the right direction. He asked us if we felt God was leading us in any certain direction. All I could say was that I was hungry and excited, more than ever before, and that a weight that I normally felt going to church was gone. This was awesome to me, but it wasn't the best for the morning. Jamie said something that has kinda become the new motto for the leadership (at least I feel that way). She said that God was telling her that it was time for us to go big or go home. It is no longer time to just sit in our seats and play church. It is time for God's People, that's the church if you don't know, to quit sitting there and asking to hear the feel good message and get the warm fuzzies. It is time for us to stand up, fill in the gap, get down into the nitty gritty of Christianity. I don't say religion here because I hate religion. I have a relationship with Christ, not a preacher that tells me what to do or feel.
It is time for us, THE CHURCH, THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD to do what Christ charged us to do. It's time for us to get out there and do some work, or we might as well just stay home and not go to church because we would get just as much done. We need to go out and see souls saved, spread the Gospel to the world, and (this will be the unpopular part) be persecuted and looked down on for our faith. We live in the world, but we are not of the world. If you truly love Christ and aren't just looking for a ticket to Heaven, you will not want to participate in the world. Too many Christians want all the good of the Gospel and none of the hard stuff that comes with it. We are supposed to be separate from them (the world). We are supposed to look and act different from them. Think about it this way: If the world can't tell we are different, how will Christ tell?
So, I just have to say, there is something big on the horizon. A great move of God is coming. Do you want to have just a few years of pleasure and a few dollars in the bank here on earth, or do you want an eternal celebration with Christ. If you want the latter you have to separate yourself from the world and seek God with all of your being, not just your heart. That to me, ladies and gentleman, is the meaning of GO BIG OR GO HOME.
On a quick side note, my wife and I have been asked to join the leadership at our church. This is a great honor that even a year ago I would have never imagined. We felt this is where God was leading us, and after much prayer and conversation we accepted. God has brought our family a long way spiritually in the last year and put a vision in our hearts. Pray for us that we continue to seek him and follow his lead.
Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...
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