Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The one time it is ok to hate...

Then, as before, I threw myself down before the Lord for forty days and nights. I ate no bread and drank no water because of the great sin you had committed by doing what the Lord hated, provoking him to anger. - Deuteronomy 9:18 NLT

One of the biggest challenges I have faced as a Christian adult is apathy. Not having a burning desire to change or do anything to grow in my relationship with God. This also included my sins. I just attributed it to stumbling or using the excuse that no one is perfect. That is until I got hit in the face with a startling reality. I did not hate my sins.

We are shown in this passage from Deuteronomy that the Israelites did a great sin and did what the Lord hated. He hated it enough that it made him angry. If God hated this sin, and every sin (no matter how big or small) is still a sin, then God hates all sin.

Growing up, we were taught as kids not to hate. We were taught that everyone is unique and equal at the same time. I still believe that with every fiber of my being. We are all born equal in God's eyes, so why should anyone be treated different than I am? The problem with this thought is that we allow it to flow over into every thought process in our brain.

From my point of view, most Christians just try to skim by with the bare minimum. Too many of us just go from Sunday to Sunday, sitting in our seats for an hour, then living however we want during the week. We don't ever make the true decision to take up our cross and follow Jesus. Now, these people are not bad or evil, but they are not walking the way they should. They try to live "moral" lives, but never aspire to move beyond sitting in a chair on Sunday. Why? Because they don't hate.

Take a breath and let me explain. Why do people fight in wars or fight for a cause they believe in? Because they hate what is being done to people or by the people they oppose. So why in the world do we not hate the ONE thing that separates us from a life altering relationship with Christ? Our sin!

I have recently been challenging myself and the men of my church with this one question, and I think everyone should apply it to their own lives: Do you hate your sin enough to change? Notice I did not say fight, I just said change. I believe that before you are ready to fight you have to make that inner change to truly follow Christ because you hate your sin.

Now, let me continue by saying that this is easier said than done. I remember in my past when I was hooked on pornography, every time I got my porn fix I would look in the mirror and absolutely hate myself and the images I had just viewed. However, I was apathetic and didn't hate it enough to change, much less fight. It took a long time for me to reach the point of hate that I needed in order to act. When I did I had to include Bible reading, prayer time, and peers to hold me accountable. It has not been easy, but it has been worth it.

So here is my challenge to you. First, be completely honest with yourself AND God. Second, put yourself in front of a hypothetical mirror, and pray that God show you the sins you need to hate (this will be more obvious for some than others). Next, when God reveals those sins to you, (this is the change part) STOP DOING THEM. Then, read the Bible daily and find peers to help you with your walk. Finally, as you grow in your faith, ask God to show you where he can use you in this fight.

So there it is. It's not just time to change the world around you, it's also time to change your world. Start working on yourself and those around you will be affected. Remember, no one can be perfect, but that doesn't give us a reason to continue in our sin. Keep up the fight, love everyone but (for the one time I feel it is ok) hate your sin.

Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

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