Wednesday, August 1, 2012 you have too much?...

Matthew 28:18-20: Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." 

There is one major thing that Christ told us to do as his followers...Go! So let me pose a simple question. Why do so many of us stay? It seems to me that many churchgoers now see missions as an option or as something to be observed from far away. We have become a church of bleacher bums.

We have decided that we are too comfortable in our nice homes, with our comfortable cars, sitting back and just observing life as it passes us by. We appear to think that God has called us to live the American dream, but I think we are just addicted to our stuff.

Look at the Gospels in the New Testament. Jesus never said we were going to fit in and live nice comfortable lives. In fact he stated the opposite. He said the world would hate us, and he even told several people that they would have to sell everything to truly be his followers. Now, I'm not saying we can't have nice things, but it's when those nice things take the place of the call God has put on our lives that a problem arises.

God has called us all to go, and it is time for us to answer the call. It's time for us to get out of our comfort zones and reach the lost. They are out there just waiting for us to come to them. Some of them are here in the United States, and there are many more around the world.

After my recent trip to Zimbabwe, I've realized that even though I may not have much my quest for more (aka the American Dream) was taking precedence over the call God has put on my life. I was more worried about how I would buy a bigger house and a nicer car when God opens the door for full time ministry than I was about the souls God has called me to touch. I think this is an epidemic that has swept our country.

Missions are not an option. God has called us to go. You may ask, what about the people in need around us? The answer is simple. That is what a life giving local church is for. The local church is there to serve people locally, but Christ said to go unto all the nations. It's time to quit relying on our stuff, get rid of what we need to get rid of, and follow God's command.

Ok, so you need a place to start. Try reading Radical by David Platt. It will give you a different outlook on how some churches have changed the Gospel to fit the American Dream instead of God's Dream.

It's time to reach out to the world. It's time to stop being comfortable and content. It's time to move. You have been challenged, now what will you do with it? Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Saturday, June 23, 2012

I worship...You can too...It's ok...Really...

Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises. For God is the king of all the earth; sing to him a psalm of praise. - Psalm 47:6-7

     How many of you know this scenario? You walk into church on Sunday morning, get a bulletin from a greeter, find your way to your seat, maybe say hello to someone you recognize, you stand up when worship starts, hold on to the back of the chair in front of you while you sing, and all during the worship you sing as quiet as you can. When the music finally stops, you are glad that you can sit down and just be a face in the crowd the rest of the morning. Then, when the preacher is done you try to be the first person out the door so you can get on with the rest of your day.

     I'll be honest (big surprise), this scenario makes me sick. Now, I do not condemn anyone who does this when they go to church. Everyone is at a different place in their relationship with God, and that is just where some people are at. However, for me, this just won't do. To me, God deserves so much more from my worship. I haven't always had this opinion, but God has been doing some work in me that makes me care less about what other people think of me. My focus is on him, and I want to help others shed whatever holds them back from truly worshiping with all they have. 

     Now, I guess it might be time to step on some toes. People who think you have to wear a suit and tie to enter the church doors, plus stand at attention while holding a hymn book to sing have it wrong. Now you can say this is just my opinion, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say God agrees with me. How do I know this? Well, I've read the Bible, especially the book of Psalms. I've read stories about how the Israelites, David, Daniel, and many others have worshiped. Now, at times they have stood silently in God's presence, but most of the time they had their hands raised, raised their voices, played their best instruments, danced around, etc. Basically, they unabashedly praised God with every bit of their being, and they did it without shame or caring what other people were saying. Plus, I believe God smiled and took joy in how they were praising him, even if it looked silly.

     Let me add some more of my opinion here. I don't think everyone has to worship the same way. Some people give it all they have by singing with their hands raised. Others have to jump up and down or clap their hands. Some people, however, worship God with all they have by just standing in their spot, maybe singing, maybe being quiet before God, and they let the presence of God wash over them. When you sing is doesn't have to be a Grammy winning performance either. All you have to do is make a joyful noise to the Lord. One of the greatest worshipers I know right now sings a little off key, but he has it right. He worships with everything he has no matter who is around him, and I think thats where we all need to be. 

     So what this comes down to may sound a little strange. It comes down to honesty. You have to be honest with yourself and with God. When the worship music starts what urge do you have? If no one else was around and the music was on a CD, what would you do? Would you clap? Would you jump? Would you raise your hands and voice as high as you could and tell God how much you love and adore him? This is one time you shouldn't ask what would Jesus do. Stop holding back. If you feel like doing something during worship, do it. If your church looks down on that, find a life giving church that lets you worship the way God is calling you to. Stop being proud and embarrassed of God!!! That is what you are doing when you don't give God your all. He will meet you where you are, but you have to let go and worship Him. Do you think that if you go to Heaven you are just gonna walk around with your hands in your pockets? I don't think so. If you make it to Heaven, you with throw yourself at the feet of Jesus and cry out "Holy, Holy, Holy is our Lord God Almighty." If you think I must be crazy for saying that, then you need to read the Bible a little more because it says every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess. I'm pretty sure when it says every, it includes you and me. So why not get a head start and worship him here on earth so you can be practiced up when you get to Heaven.

     I feel the need to throw this in also. I believe that worship is one of the main things that you need in your relationship with God. If all you ever do is ask for stuff, how will God know that you love him? Sure he sees your heart, but he wants you to tell him. Does the person you love know that you love them if you never tell them? Of course not. They want to hear you say it, and so does our Savior.

     I have to say I hope this shakes somebody up. It's time to let go of religion and have a relationship. It's time to stop being prim and proper and go after an encounter with Christ. Let go. Be free. After all isn't that what Jesus came to this earth for? He came to set us free, and whom the Son sets free is free indeed!

     Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Word of the week...Encounter...

Ok, so I know its been a while since I've posted a blog. The last few months have been days of blurred activity and chaos. Well, not so much chaos, but needless to say I have been busy. Everything that has been happening has led up to this point.

So here is a quick question. Have you ever felt like your life is at critical mass? You know, that point where something has to give or you will explode. The point where you need a touch emotionally, spiritually, or even physically. The point where life's path will change forever. That's where I am at and I think a lot of people are.

Here's my opinion why. Most of the people that call themselves Christians have never had a true encounter with Jesus Christ. They go to church on Sunday. They might even go to a small group during the week, but they never take the steps necessary to truly have a life changing encounter. This is the biggest failure of today's church. We are so wrapped up in our social status, what we want, and (to be blunt) we enjoy our sins too much to let them go. Too many Christians think that sitting in a seat for an hour and a half on Sunday morning makes them good. The problem with this is that they never engage in worship, and while the message is coming from the stage, they are busy surfing facebook. They hear one or two lines of what the preacher says that makes them feel guilty, so they respond when the altar call happens. They might have a goose bump moment and feel better about themselves. Then they shake someone's hand as they walk out the door.

However, when they go home they aren't happy. They are like dogs returning to their vomit. They go back and do the same things that they know pull them away from Christ. They go to the same adult websites, the same clubs or bars, yell at their spouses, or just drink the pain away. It's always me-me-me, what I want to do, my busy schedule, just one more drink, just one more nude picture, I have to put my kids in every sport or event, we have this activity or that practice, I don't have time for Jesus stuff now, but I will later. After all God will understand, won't he? I have to do all these things to make it. All the while, the family Bible gets a little more dusty on the shelf. Unwilling to give God a little time with the most life giving tool only a few feet away. True joy and true peace are so close, but to several it is too much of a sacrifice to their lifestyle to change.

Critical mass, something in life needs to change or you will explode.

I honestly hope this slaps a few of you in the face. I'll be completely honest, I'm not perfect and I stumble from time to time. However, I choose to get up and chase after God. I hunger for a life-changing encounter with him. I sacrifice certain events for my family and my kids to have time for him. We try to do a family devotional every night (notice I said try), and we encourage our kids to serve and pray. Again, I'm not perfect, but I do my very best to lead my family into a God-filled life to encounter him.

I recently had the honor to go on a missions trip to Zimbabwe, Africa. God had whispered to me back in December that I needed to go on this trip and that he would change my life there. Needless to say, I went and he did. I truly realized for the first time that God is the same all over this world. Wherever there are people hungry for God, he shows up. What was so amazing is how hungry the people of that area are for God. Here is my lightbulb about that. They have so much less than us in the USA that they have more time to dedicate to seeking Christ. They have fewer material possessions to take care of, so they take care of their spirit and seek an encounter with him. Encountering God in Zimbabwe has forever changed me, and I hope that I can change the lives of others with the hunger I now have.

I'm gonna be a little blunt here. Ask yourself a few questions. What am I doing that I should give up and give that time to God? What sins am I returning to day after day that are keeping me from growing close to Jesus? Here is a simple one. Why don't I spend 5 or 10 minutes a day praying and reading my Bible? What steps do I need to take to have a life-changing encounter with Christ, and then lead my family there?

Be honest with yourself. Be honest with God. He already knows the truth. You can't hide it from him. Get past your pride. Who cares about social status. When you are hungry for God he is what matters, not what everyone else says or thinks.

Think about it. It could change your life.  Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Everyone loves a soft, chewy center...

The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. - John 10:10 (NLT)

A lot of peoples favorite treats have soft, chewy centers.  They enjoy the feeling of breaking through the outer shell to feel the explosion from the middle of the treat flow into their mouth. Whether its chocolates, hard candy, or any other treat with this characteristic, most people savor and enjoy that experience. Some have harder shells than others, and some are just down right hard and almost impossible to get to the middle of.

Compare your life to these candies. Everyone in my opinion should have a soft heart. Always ready to spring into action and help those in need. However, we need to have an impenetrable outer shell that the enemy can not break through. We need the armor of God protecting us.

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. - Ephesians 6:13-17 (NIV)

If you were about to walk out into a battlefield (whether dark ages or modern), would you want to just walk out to fight in a t-shirt and blue jeans? What about a three-piece suit? Don't give me that look, it's a legitimate question. Of course none of us would go out to fight like that. We would try to find the best armor from the greatest military cache we could find. So answer me this, why to we walk out our doors every day, onto the largest battlefield ever, without a hint of protection?

Too many people don't rely on God's armor to help them through the day. They think it is silly nonsense that someone would be serious about using it everyday. For most, the armor of God is only needed in the worst of circumstances, when we've lost everything. If those people would realize that had they only worn God's armor from the beginning, they might have never had to face the dark situations they are in.

They need truth in their hearts, and not the worlds version of the truth. They need to be righteous and walk the path that only the Bible can give in their lives (lamp to my feet and light to my path kind of stuff). They must have faith to block all of the lies and attacks that come from the enemy. You must be saved and have God's word with you all the time (whether it is memorized or physically in your hand). How many of these characteristics do you possess and use daily? I'll admit, I have many days where I will forget a piece of my armor, and those days are always a fight to get through.

In Matthew 11:30 Christ says, "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." What that tells me is his armor is easy to carry. Ephesians 6 tells me that if I wear it all, everyday, it is impenetrable. The enemy, Satan, wants to hurt and even kill us. That is why we must wear the armor. Putting it on is a daily discipline that far too many people lack.

The battle is raging, and you are in the midst of it. Whether you are consciously fighting or surrendering by not doing anything, you are in the middle of a war. The question is this: will you prepare yourself with an unbreakable armor, or will you be run through by the world everyday because putting on the armor is a hassle or unpopular? The choice is yours! You have been challenged. What are you going to do with that challenge?

Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Are you the next Rocky...?

Be prepared. You're up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You'll need them throughout your life. God's Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other's spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out. - Ephesians 6:13-18 (MSG)

Ever feel like life is just punching you in the gut? Do you feel like every time you climb out of a hole there is someone there to smack you in the face and knock you right back in? These are the times in life that we want to give up. I know, I've been there. Just when you feel like you are starting to make headway in life, something hits you and knocks the breath out of you and you fall to your knees.

When we are in those times in life, on our knees and out of breath, we have a choice to make. Do we get up and get back in the fight, or do we stay down for the count. Are you like Rocky Balboa? Do you continue to stand up and continue the fight no matter the punishment? Are you like Glass Joe from the video game "Punch Out"? Do you take a hit and stay down hoping it will all stop?

I think it all comes down to who we have in our corner of life. Do you have family, coworkers, friends helping you? Who exactly is helping you get up when you get knocked down? Is it the people in your life that are also getting knocked down constantly, or do you have the ultimate trainer and friend? Do you have God in your corner? Nobody can knock him down or even phase him. Will he let you take some shots? Sure, how else are we supposed to grow. How would we ever learn how to teach or lead others if we have never faced any type of struggle where we had to lean on Christ.

Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. - Matthew 6:34 (MSG)

The one thing that everyone can learn from the Rocky movies is this: no matter how many times you get knocked down you have to get back up. That is easy to say, but hard to do. Sometimes the punches come so hard and fast that all we can focus on is the pain. All we can see or think about is the pain, and we don't know if it will ever come to an end. This is the time we need to call on God. He will help you deal with whatever situation or pain you are going through. He will meet you where you are and will change your life.  All we have to do is trust that he has the right game plan to help us through the fight. However, like any other fighter, we must train for the fight.

How do we train for this fight? (This may sound preachy but it is true.) Get into the Bible, study God's word. There are so many lessons to be learned just by reading this book. Also, we need to pray, and I don't just mean at bed time. We need to spend time with God everyday, and sometimes quality supersedes quantity. Lastly, don't forget going to church. How are we supposed to have human help if we don't surround ourselves with like minded people that also seek God. They will stand in your corner and scream for your success.

Seek out what God wants you to do in your life. He will show you the game plan to follow in life. He will help you through every round of this fight. He will show you people that will help you train for this fight and succeed in life. One of the most important things to remember is this, when you get knocked down, he is the hand that helps you back up.

Don't stay down. Get up. God is standing above you with his hand out to help you up. The question is this, will you grab it and continue the fight? Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Can you handle the truth...?

Pilate said, “So you are a king?” Jesus responded, “You say I am a king. Actually, I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true.” - John 18:37 (NLT)

We all know the famous line spoken by Jack Nicholson in the movie A Few Good Men. He is on the stand testifying and Tom Cruise yells at him that he wants the truth. Jack's response was, of course, "You can't handle the truth!" Sometimes I feel, as Christians, we don't want to see the truth because we couldn't handle it staring us back in the face. We don't want to look in the mirror or take off our mask because we are afraid of what we might face. Even worse, others may see the truth about our lives or our deepest darkest secrets.

We as churches have stopped loving the truth. We have become a body of zombies that file into church on Sunday morning. We hope the preacher doesn't say anything to make us uncomfortable. All we want to hear is something that makes us warm and fuzzy inside, or that makes us feel better because we sinned that week. We no longer want to be challenged or shake up the status quo. All we worry about is our money, houses, cars, careers, and social status.

Why? Because hearing the truth can hurt. It can make us uncomfortable. It will challenge us to get out of our comfort zones and actually do the work God has called us to do. It will challenge us to change. We might have to get our hands dirty. We might have to hug a child with a snotty nose. We may have to serve a family that doesn't smell so good. We might have to go to the altar and ask for prayer, and we might be embarrassed because people will stare. Worst of all, it will make us face our past mistakes and ask others for help to shape a better future. Should you care about what other people think? Nope. You should care about what God thinks. The truth will challenge us to change, and change doesn't come easy.

Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” - John 8:31-32 (NLT)

As followers of Christ, we must follow ALL of Christ's teachings. We don't need to follow all the religious legalism that has caused so many to stumble. If you notice in most of the stories involving Christ changing peoples lives, they were sinners and some were even caught in the act of sinning. Did he yell and scream at them telling them they were going to hell? No. He loved them and told them to go and sin no more. Did it hurt when their sins were exposed? I'm sure it did. However, look at the eternal rewards they gained by listening to Christ. They are the same rewards available to us today. The truth no matter how painful will always set us free.

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." John 14:6 (NLT)

So, there is the truth that can really hurt. Jesus is truth and life. He is also the only way to God. That thought may be unpopular, but Christ said it and I believe it. In today's world we want to be good and moral, thinking that will get us into heaven. However, believing in Jesus is the only way to walk through the "pearly gates." We don't have to be legalistic about it. If we read about how Jesus lived and follow his example, our lives will be fulfilled beyond our wildest dreams. Plus, (here's the big kicker) if we live and love like Christ, when we sin we won't be afraid to come to our peers and ask for help. Also, they won't look down on us, because we are all equal in God's kingdom. They will be glad to pray for us. There is no shame in admitting our mistakes when we are looking to grow closer to God.

Take off your mask. Stop being a zombie. Don't pretend to be perfect. Face the skeletons in your closet. Live and love like Christ. Go and sin no more. Admit your sins if you do stumble. Stop hiding behind your social status, house, cars, or possessions. Chase after Christ and ask for help. Read the Bible. Jesus Christ is the only way. The truth may hurt sometimes, but the rewards are more than worth it.

There is the truth. Can you handle it? Can you live it? Look at yourself in the mirror and make a choice. You have been challenged. Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

We are farmers...and I don't mean insurance...

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.  - 2 Corinthians 9:6 (NIV)

Do you think of yourself as a farmer? Do you think about the seeds you sow in life? Do you think about how your decisions will affect your future or others? Well, whether you do or not, you should. One of Christ's most well known parables was that of the sower and the seed. He talks about the sowing of God's word in a man's heart and how they reacted to it. There are also several other examples throughout the Bible that compares a mans actions and outcomes to sowing and reaping. So let me ask you again. Do you think your actions will affect your future or others?

Some people call it Karma, some call it fate, but no matter what you call it, no matter what you do, there will be a consequence. The outcome may be good or bad, but someone will be affected. As Christians, everything we do sows some type seed in the lives of people around us. We can lead people to Christ, or drive them away. Non-Christians are not exempt. You either sow positively into peoples lives, or sow hate and discord. What are your actions doing?

We are farmers of the soul. As people grow throughout life, there comes a point when they will reach a choice. A choice whether to follow Christ or not. If they have had a positive seed sown in their lives by Christians, there is a good chance they will choose God. However, if the church has shown them the negative side of life, they won't even darken the doorstep to the church. How are you planting your seed?

One of the downsides of this is the fact you may plant the seed, but you may not reap the harvest. You may show someone the love of Christ, but they end up meeting God at a different church. This is where we as Christians need to not be competitive. We are all playing for the same team. If someone becomes a Christian the whole kingdom of God wins. (Quick rant) "Churches", and I'm talking about the different denominations and buildings, need to quit competing with each other and unite to reach one common goal. They need to come together for the sole purpose of reaching and serving the lost. Who cares who has the most people, or who has the biggest building. Who cares who has the loudest sound system or biggest choir. Come on, we are all serving the same God and he doesn't play favorites. So why should we compete with each other.

So go out and sow the seeds of love. Serve others with no strings attached. Do random acts of kindess. Show others the true love of God. Sow the seeds. Unite with the churches around you. Reach your community as the body of Christ. Who knows, you may reap the seed that someone else has sown, or you may see a life changed from the very beginning.

So here it is. We are farmers (insert music from the commercial here) , but I don't mean insurance for your stuff.  We are trying to give insurance for the soul. We plant and we sow everyday. Just pay attention to what kind of seed you are spreading. Change the world for the better. Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Bridges...How strong are yours when under fire...?

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. - Isaiah 41:10 (NLT)

I recently came across and interesting analogy in my daily devotional. It compared the tough times in life to bridges we have to cross. It told the true life story of two firefighters that were driving through a wild fire in order to save friends and family. They were driving in such heavy smoke that as they crossed the bridge, they could not see it was on fire. Ultimately, the bridge collapsed and they lost their lives.  If we compare the rough or "smoky" times of life to crossing a bridge my question to you is this: What is your bridge made of? Can it handle the fire coming against you?

Have you built your life and bridges on the backs of friends and family, or have you given everything to Christ and built it on him? Now, this question is not just for those who don't believe in Jesus. This is also needs to be personally asked by every Christian alive today.  As we go through rough times like financial trouble, marital problems, accusations, career issues, etc., do we just give it all to God and drive over the bridge? Do we try to carry the problems by ourselves and hope the bridge doesn't collapse? Do we hope that our friends are strong and loyal enough to help us through our issues without giving up or turning their backs on us? How do you handle the rough times?

I will be completely honest. Too many times I have tried to either take it all on myself or put it on the backs of my friends and hoped for the best. Each time has ended in some type of disaster. I may not have lost my life, but I have fallen into pits of depression and lost friends by doing this. Until recently I did not realize how important it was to give everything to Christ, and I mean EVERYTHING. From the smallest to the largest. It doesn't matter how big or small it is, if you put God in a box don't expect anything outside YOUR box to happen. Step into God's box and let him show you how big he really is. Give it all to God and let him carry you through.

See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The LORD GOD is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.” - Isaiah 12:2 (NLT)

What is something that has recently happened in your life that if you had only given that issue to God would have turned out different? Again, it doesn't matter how big or small. Did you recently loose your job to downsizing? Did you recently go through a divorce? Did you go to buy a new car and didn't quite get the deal you were wanting? Did you forget to do something for your spouse for the umpteenth time? It may sound silly, but (I'm gonna beat a dead horse here) no matter how big or small, if you give it ALL to God things will be different. Let me follow that up by saying this. The outcome may be the same, but building your "bridge" on Christ will allow you to be different in the end. You will be able to walk off the other side with honesty and integrity, a different person, ready to move forward and continue on.

So, what have you kept for yourself? What do you rely on your friends for? What do you need to let go of and give to God? This may sound silly, but try it for three weeks. Give everything to God, and I mean EVERYTHING. Be honest and when you come out on the other side of the three weeks, you will wonder why you didn't do it sooner.

Build stronger bridges and make it through the "smoky" times. Change the world for the better. Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Straight up or watered down...?

Why would I still be persecuted, then? If I were preaching that old message, no one would be offended if I mentioned the Cross now and then—it would be so watered-down it wouldn't matter one way or the other. - Galatians 5:11 (Message Bible)

I am just gonna come straight out and say it. We have become a watered-down world. Watered-down integrity, honesty, love, life, and worst of all watered-down Christianity. Too many people no longer care about the honor that their family name carries. They don't care if their word carries any weight with others. A handshake no longer means anything to most people. And now, Christians no longer want to hear the truth that is in God's word. They want to hear the good news only. They don't want to hear that they have to give up something in order to serve God.

People no longer want to daily take up their cross and fight for the cause of Christ. They want to sit in their overpriced houses and drive their overpriced cars, all while sitting on a mountain of debt they can barely pay. Why? Just so they can look like they are doing well in their social circles. People hide behind masks that hide the truth of their lives. Plus, they won't look at themselves honestly in the mirror to see what is wrong with their lives. They just continue to run around thinking that the next big purchase will soothe the pain they feel inside.

We as Christians have allowed our pastors and leaders to water down God's word and only tell us the "nice" stories of the Bible. We don't want to hear about the trials and tribulations of the "Heroes" in his book.  We don't want to hear how Paul and Moses were murderers, Noah was a drunk, Job had an issue with looking a young women, and David was an adulterer who had his lovers husband killed. The Bible is full of heroes that failed, a entire race that turned its back on God, and even a book that describes erotic sex in the marriage bed. As an imperfect human, why would I want to water down anything in this book? It shows me that the greatest heroes failed, but God still had grace and mercy for them. The problem is, most people don't want to do the work that comes with being a hero for God.

I am glad I have a pastor and friend in Pastor Chad that does not water things down. He has always been straight forward and honest when it comes to God's word, and is not afraid to tell the people of our church how it is. However, it is time for God's people to demand from their pastors and leaders to stop giving us the fluff.  We are no longer babies that need God's "milk". We need the real meat of the Bible to change our lives.  We need to take off the masks and quit lying to ourselves and others.

This may be a shocker to you, but it is OK to not be alright.  God is looking for an army of people that don't have it all together. He wants to use everyone, no matter how good or bad your past is. He wants to meet you right where you are. We just have to quit watering down our lives and be honest with him, ourselves, and those around us. If your pastor doesn't want to deal with your reality, (I'm gonna be bold here) then it's time for you to find a new church and a pastor that cares.

I have been in churches in the past where the only things taught was the fluff of Christianity. Fortunately for me, I don't have to deal with that anymore. I bounced from church to church until I found DC and people that would be honest with me, and help change my life.

So here is my challenge to you. If all you hear is fluff coming from your pastor, ask him to help you face the truth. Ask for help taking off the masks and making a real change in your life. Ask them to help you and others dig deeper into God's word. Find God and quit watering down your life. You will be happy you did.

Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Monday, February 20, 2012

What kind of hero do you want to be?...

But now your kingdom will not last. The Lord has searched for a man after his own heart. The Lord has appointed him ruler of his people. - 1 Samuel 13:14 

As a firefighter, many people see what I do and consider me a hero. I don't see it that way. I see it as the career I chose and part of my job, just like anyone else. I recently had a thought however, about what kind of hero I want to be here on earth. Do I want to be a hero to the masses and have pride in myself, or do I want to be the hero God has called me to be and be humble in what I do for him?

Many people (and I am guilty of this as well) live their lives only to puff themselves up, and make themselves look good. They step on whomever they need to step on. While on the outside they may look like a hero, there are piles of bodies they have stepped on to get where they are at.

God has called us to be better than this. King Saul lost the grace of God because he did what he wanted to do to make himself look the hero. Due to this, God had Samuel anoint David as the next king. David is known as "a man after God's own heart." Was David perfect? No. He committed adultery and also had a man killed, but he still knew what kind of man God had called him to be. After his times of weakness and wrong decisions, David turned back to God and changed the lives of many and was known as one of Israels greatest kings. All because he did what God wanted him to do.

We have a choice to make in our lives. Live as we want to and try to make ourselves look better at the expense of others, or live humbly and try to change the lives of others for the better. Either way we will become a hero to someone, maybe many. The difference is this, do you make the world better by what you do? Do you make someone's life better and help them, or do you step on them just to get to your next social position?

No matter how big your "kingdom" or finances are here on earth, remember this, they will not last. Your money, your house, your car, your electronics, your jewelry, they will all come to an end. Plus, when you die you can't take them with you. On the flip side, your legacy, what you have done for others, the memories of who you were, how you touched others will live on, whether good or bad.

I have come to the point where, while I want to provide nice things for my family, my finances and "kingdom" no longer matter as much as the lives I want to touch. I know as long as I follow what God has planned for my life and my family, he will provide. He will make sure we always have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and a way to get from A to B. We may not have the most fancy or "latest and greatest", but we have the greatest of all in our hearts.

As for me and my house we will follow the Lord. Won't you please decide to do that also. Become the hero God wants you to be. Not so you can have pride in yourself, but so God can be proud of you for doing what he wants you to do. It is a tough decision to make and it is very hard to get yourself out of the way, but it can be done.

Remember this as you move forward: You may not be able to help everyone, but you can start by just helping one. Change the world for the better. Be a hero for God. Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The one time it is ok to hate...

Then, as before, I threw myself down before the Lord for forty days and nights. I ate no bread and drank no water because of the great sin you had committed by doing what the Lord hated, provoking him to anger. - Deuteronomy 9:18 NLT

One of the biggest challenges I have faced as a Christian adult is apathy. Not having a burning desire to change or do anything to grow in my relationship with God. This also included my sins. I just attributed it to stumbling or using the excuse that no one is perfect. That is until I got hit in the face with a startling reality. I did not hate my sins.

We are shown in this passage from Deuteronomy that the Israelites did a great sin and did what the Lord hated. He hated it enough that it made him angry. If God hated this sin, and every sin (no matter how big or small) is still a sin, then God hates all sin.

Growing up, we were taught as kids not to hate. We were taught that everyone is unique and equal at the same time. I still believe that with every fiber of my being. We are all born equal in God's eyes, so why should anyone be treated different than I am? The problem with this thought is that we allow it to flow over into every thought process in our brain.

From my point of view, most Christians just try to skim by with the bare minimum. Too many of us just go from Sunday to Sunday, sitting in our seats for an hour, then living however we want during the week. We don't ever make the true decision to take up our cross and follow Jesus. Now, these people are not bad or evil, but they are not walking the way they should. They try to live "moral" lives, but never aspire to move beyond sitting in a chair on Sunday. Why? Because they don't hate.

Take a breath and let me explain. Why do people fight in wars or fight for a cause they believe in? Because they hate what is being done to people or by the people they oppose. So why in the world do we not hate the ONE thing that separates us from a life altering relationship with Christ? Our sin!

I have recently been challenging myself and the men of my church with this one question, and I think everyone should apply it to their own lives: Do you hate your sin enough to change? Notice I did not say fight, I just said change. I believe that before you are ready to fight you have to make that inner change to truly follow Christ because you hate your sin.

Now, let me continue by saying that this is easier said than done. I remember in my past when I was hooked on pornography, every time I got my porn fix I would look in the mirror and absolutely hate myself and the images I had just viewed. However, I was apathetic and didn't hate it enough to change, much less fight. It took a long time for me to reach the point of hate that I needed in order to act. When I did I had to include Bible reading, prayer time, and peers to hold me accountable. It has not been easy, but it has been worth it.

So here is my challenge to you. First, be completely honest with yourself AND God. Second, put yourself in front of a hypothetical mirror, and pray that God show you the sins you need to hate (this will be more obvious for some than others). Next, when God reveals those sins to you, (this is the change part) STOP DOING THEM. Then, read the Bible daily and find peers to help you with your walk. Finally, as you grow in your faith, ask God to show you where he can use you in this fight.

So there it is. It's not just time to change the world around you, it's also time to change your world. Start working on yourself and those around you will be affected. Remember, no one can be perfect, but that doesn't give us a reason to continue in our sin. Keep up the fight, love everyone but (for the one time I feel it is ok) hate your sin.

Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A God filled life...?

Your job is to speak out on the things that make for solid doctrine. Guide older men into lives of temperance, dignity, and wisdom, into healthy faith, love and endurance. - Titus 2:1-2 (Message Bible)

I have had so many things going through my head the last few days, but I have been unable to straighten them out or put them into words. However, this morning as part of my daily Bible reading, I read Titus 2 and all of my thoughts lined up. Am I leading a God-filled life and am I leading others to do the same? My answer: I'm trying to. Although, in the words of the wise Master Yoda, "Do or do not, there is no try." I feel I am doing the best I can to lead others and my family to a God-filled life. Do I stumble and fall, yes. Any honest Christian will tell you the truth, no one is perfect.  

While reading Titus 2, I realized that I have had too narrow a focus on leading others to a God-filled life. I have recently been trying to lead only men. Mostly due to the fact I am working on a men's ministry that I am very passionate about. However, if you read the whole chapter, it talks about guiding women to lead lives of reverence and be models of goodness. "By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives." Titus 2:4-5. If we teach not just older women, but also the twenty and thirtysomethings how to lead God-filled lives, it will trickle down to the next generation of girls and change the world.

In verse six, it says "Also, guide the young men to live disciplined lives." Followed up in verse seven and eight with, "but mostly, show them all this by doing it yourself, incorruptible in your teaching, your words solid and sane." What this says to me is simply this, discipline your kids when they need it, but live the life you are trying to get your kids to live. Plus, always stand by your word, don't tell them one thing and do something different.

So here we go with the foot smashing. Do you spank your kids for having a "potty mouth", then turn around and curse when you accidentally smash your thumb? Do you punish your kids for being mean to other children, then turn around and yell at your spouse, friends, or co-workers when they are around? Time to put on the grown up pants and look in the mirror. Be HONEST with yourself. Are you living the life you want your kids or (for those who don't have kids yet) the next generation to live? Are you doing what is necessary to change in order to live a life of integrity and honor?

Here is probably my favorite part of this chapter: "God's readiness to give and forgive is now public. Salvation's available for everyone! We're being shown how to turn our backs on a godless, indulgent life, and how to take on a God-filled, God-honoring life. This new life is starting right now." Titus 2:11-12

Forgiveness and salvation are public and available to EVERYONE. God does not hate ANYONE and will meet EVERYONE right where they are. God only hates sin. However, if you are honest with yourself and God, and start living a God-filled life, don't expect God to leave you where you are. You will grow, as a Christian, father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, friend, boss, co-worker, and so on. We have all been called to a better life and to raise future generations to be better than us.

What are you doing to live a God-filled life and raise a better future generation? If you are wondering, I am looking at my reflection in my laptop as I write this, so this is for me too.

Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

For Single men, it is hard but not impossible...

But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. - Ephesians 5:3 (NIV)

Ok, I've been thinking really hard about how to address this issue with single men. I've been married to the love of my life for almost 9 years, and it is hard to remember what things were like when I was single. Plus, I wasn't the most pure man during that point of my life. I have been reading a lot on the subject of purity, and I think I have figured out how to share my thoughts for single men.

First, let me say I do not envy any single men out there right now.  The world is hyper-sexualized, and it is near impossible to get away from sexual stimulation. However, as Ephesians 5:3 states, we can not have even "a hint of sexual immorality." This is gonna sound kinda hard and harsh to you single guys, but remember all things are possible with Christ. Guys have to get rid of EVERY sexual stumbling block in their lives, whether single or married. This can be from the obvious mens pornographic magazines, your favorite movie or video game that has a scantly clad woman that makes you think dirty thoughts, or going to work a different way so you don't stop at the gas station where the popular mens magazines are sold. It can also mean hanging out with a different crowd or group of people at work. Just know this won't be a cake walk.

This is the part where you single guys will hate me. I have been reading the book Every Man's Battle, by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoker, and have discovered many things about the battle in men over sex. Men need to understand that we are sexual beings and that God has made sex for us to enjoy, but only after marriage. Men are aroused by visual stimulation more than anything. So for all men, but especially single men trying to stay pure for marriage, we have to fight a war with our eyes. The rest of this is pointed directly at single men, but you married men can take what you need to hear from what I have to say. The easiest way to win this war sounds easy, but make no mistake it is not. You must make the conscious decision to not look at any visual stimulation that would cause us to lust after a woman. Like I mentioned, easier said than done.

You might ask, "What does this include?" Obviously it includes porn; movies that contain nudity; magazines that show women that may not be nude, but are almost nude in sexually provocative positions; Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit Edition; posters and calendars of bikini babes; and any thing else that might make you fantasize about the woman you are looking at. Sounds harsh doesn't it. Here is my question to you, do you want to win this war? How pure do you want to be for your future wife? The more pure you are, the better chance you have of seeing the lady you are dating as a person, not as an object to conquer sexually. She will respect you more for this, and an amazing bond may form that may lead to a wonderful marriage and life together.

Sound good?

I know it sounds hard so far, but don't the challenge deter you. Now for the hard part. You must make a covenant with your eyes not to look at anything that will cause you to lust. This means when the beautiful woman with the more-than-abundant cleavage comes jogging by you while you are out running, you must look away. When you go to the lake during the summer, you must not dwell on those string bikinis and the curves they are covering (or not covering). You must divert your eyes to keep these mental photos from being stuck in your mind, and becoming your personal fantasy when you get home.

You single men must realize that even us married men struggle with this part, but it is possibly the most important battle you must win in this fight. If you can make the decision in your heart and make a habit of looking the other way, you will win this war. Now, I know things will catch your attention, but you must learn to "bounce" your eyes away. This means as soon as you see it, don't linger and move your vision somewhere else. Don't let the things that catch your eye lead you to lust and sin. Learn this habit and you will be well on your way.

Here is my final thought for you single guys. Get some other single men, or married men you trust, to help keep you accountable. Get a program like X3 to monitor your web history with an accountability partner. Find men you trust, be honest with each other, and fight to win this war.

Ultimately, the choice is up to you on whether you want to win this war and be pure or not. How bad do you hate your sin and addictions? Do you hate it bad enough to fight with every fiber of your being? What will you give up to win this war? Think about it, then decide whether or not to fight.

Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Monday, January 30, 2012

The winds are changing...

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. - Isaiah 43:19

This scripture has recently become one of my favorites and a cornerstone of my daily life. Things are changing. Can you feel it? There is a call out to the men and women of this generation to do something new. Not new to God, but new to this generation.

This call is for people to have an intimate relationship with our savior, Jesus Christ. Thanks to my friend Pastor Chad (whom I've mentioned several times in the past), I now realize this more than ever. During the time of prayer and fasting that I participated in during January at Destiny Church, I learned how to have a true intimate relationship with Jesus. Plus, Pastor Chad delivered an amazing message Sunday that helped that understanding. Over the past two or three decades the church has taught more of what we get by becoming Christians, not that God wants to have an intimate relationship with us. He is trying to get your attention with a "burning bush" that you will have to turn aside to approach. He wants us to take the step toward him, so that he can approach and whisper to us. God wants to call your name.

During this month of prayer, my life has been completely changed and my reality has been turned upside down. I took the step to build a relationship with God, and he has whispered to me. I want everyone to experience this and more. What excites me the most is this, I am being called into ministry. God has put a dream and a purpose in my heart and life. This dream excites and challenges me, but it also breaks my heart.

Let me shed a little light on the subject. In my previous post, I went on a rant about men being men, and how they needed to stop fantasizing with pornography and start chasing after their wives. For those who don't know, I used to be a pornography addict. For almost two decades it was the forefront thought and drive in my life. God has set me free of this, and now he has called me to help others do the same thing and help them heal, along with their families. I am very passionate about this and I am moving forward with this call, but all the glory will go to God not me. I am very humbled that he has called me, and I hope that I use this calling the way he wants me to. I hope I never deviate from the path he has laid before me.

Now for a quick rant. Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. - Hebrews 12:1

Men this is for you again. It is time for us to put behind us all of the sin that has slowed us down and drug us through the mud. I believe the biggest thing for every man is sexual purity. God has made us sexual beings, but he set parameters for us to enjoy a sexual relationship with our wife only. Guys (and if it applies, ladies), lets put down the hypersexualized magazines (this includes the popular mens and ladies mags), block the porn sites, and if need be get rid of our premium movie channels so we don't get tempted by the weekend late night movies (you know the ones I am talking about). Get rid of the sin that easily trips you up and that can ruin your relationship with God and possibly your spouse. Let's win the hearts of our spouses again and enjoy a euphoria of pleasure with them and them alone. Let God create a river in the dry wasteland of your relationship. Oh, for you single guys, don't worry I won't forget about you. I'll be back to address the situations you face soon.

So, things are changing. God is calling everyone to be pure and then have a personal relationship with him. Like Pastor Chad said, we need to take the first step toward God, then he will come to you. He loves you and is waiting patiently for you to come to him. Will you answer the call, turn from your current path, and go to the "burning bush" that God is trying to get your attention with? Think about it.

Sorry this is so long, but thanks for stopping by and God bless...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Calling REAL men...

Say to the nations far and wide: "Get ready for war! Call out your best warriors. Let all your fighting men advance for the attack. Hammer your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Train even your weaklings to be warriors." Joel 3:9-10

I'm gonna go on a rant for a little bit here, but please bare with me. It is time for men to step up and be MEN!!! Not the men you see on tv or in the movie theater, but men the way God created us. Big, burly, loud, loving, protecting, honorable men. For the past three or four generations the men of the United States have been attacked and castrated by the media and organizations that think we should roll over and play woman. I say no more, let the real men stand up and lead the way. Let me follow that thought up with this, I am not being sexist. I believe men should be men, and women should be women. Sometimes, men don't follow their God given call to lead their families, businesses, churches, etc., and the women have to take charge. However God has called men to lead the way, and men have not been doing that.

Men have let the world creep in, and it has stopped us from chasing our wives and loving them the way we should. We no longer are the strong men that protect them and our children. We have become a generation of weaklings with limp handshakes. The world of pornography has caused men to live in a virtual reality of a computer screen in stead of in the real world sharing a passionate bed with our wives. Did that make you blush? I'm not sorry. Real men chase and lust after their wives and no other woman. Too harsh? Nope! Real men enjoy sex the way God intended, in the marriage bed with your wife. Not with your hand fantasizing about the most recent nude female you have found. If this offended you, then you don't realize the effect that the media and pornography has had on you or (for the women reading) your husband.

The world expects us as men to be bubbling, babbling idiots that can't take charge and change the world. We have been castrated and are allowing the world to tell us who we are and how we should act. Well, put on your pants, strap your belt on tight, and hold on. It's time to plow forward as men and lead the way. How? That is a good question.

If you looked at the scripture at the beginning, it said "train even your weaklings to be warriors." This means even the wimpiest sissy of a man can be a great warrior and lead the way. God has given men the charge of being the head of their household, but to also love and care for your wife. Sounds kind of like and oxymoron, but it can be done. Stand your ground and make a decision, but listen and support your wife. Teach your children right from wrong. (This part might be unpopular) When your kids need discipline, sometimes it takes more than a timeout! I received spankings as a child, and I turned out just fine. I don't hate my parents or have trust issues. I love my parents for bringing me up with respect and integrity.

Now, this part may sound a little preachy, but read it through. As men we must lead our families as Godly, Christian men. God created us to be honest and live with integrity. Don't just drag your family to church on Sunday. Teach them to love Christ and his word daily. Pray with them, and do a devotional with them. Don't just stare at the flat screen on the wall every night. Be a father and a husband, not a warm body. This takes effort and energy, but if you don't think your family is worth the energy, then you might need to re-evaluate your life. The more you lead your family and teach them as a man, the more complete and happy your family will be. The more you seduce and chase your wife, the more she will love and enjoy your private life. The more time you spend in the Bible, the more God will speak to you and show you what to do in life.

Ok, I am going to stop this rant now, but I have more to share on this subject. Oh, and I will share it soon. So here it is: Men put on your big boy pants and be men!!! No more being a little sissy boy that the world runs over. Lead the way!!!

Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

So simple it is hard...

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5 (NLT)

Why is it so hard as humans to just take things at face value, or do the easiest things asked of us. Why do we always look for the hidden meanings instead of believing exactly what was told to us. The simplest answer is that we are human, but like the previous comments, it is also the most complicated.

God made humans complex and with free will. We can decide what we want to do, and this doesn't always translate to what God has for us. Jesus said: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Luke 10:27 (NIV). This is the simplest, most straight forward commandment from the mouth of Christ, to love. If we can't love God, how can we love our neighbors? We have taken this and twisted it to I love myself, then my neighbors, finally God. Sounds messed up huh.

Back to Proverbs. We have tried to explain God, life, love, and everything in between. We have stopped listening for God to speak. We shove our minds full of the daily noise of life and the things of this world. I believe it is time for us to stop trying to explain everything, quiet our minds and listen for the voice of God, or like Pastor Chad has been teaching, the whispers from God.

In the movie I Am Legend, Will Smith's character thinks he is the last human alive after a virus de-evolves the human population. After his dog is killed by these monsters, he tries to kill several of them while also knowing this will kill himself. He is rescued by a woman that had heard his radio transmission looking for survivors. The next day she tells Smith that God told her where to look to find him. With doubt on his face, Smith questions her sanity. Her reply to this was, "The world is quieter now and it is easier to listen to God" (or something close to that). The point of this, when you get other noise out of your head and away from your life, it is easier to hear the whispers of God and the direction he wants to take your life.

Why do we have to complicate life, because we are human. Why don't we listen for God, because we are human. We take the simple things in life and make them complicated. Maybe we should be like children again and just believe what God said is what it is, no if's, and's or but's.

I hope this slaps someone in the face like it did me. Try to quiet your mind and find time for God to speak to you. Don't forget, once he speaks it's time to take action. Don't stand still, move forward and go where God leads. Anyways, sorry this is so long, but I just had to get it out. Thanks for stopping by and God bless...