Monday, February 27, 2012

Straight up or watered down...?

Why would I still be persecuted, then? If I were preaching that old message, no one would be offended if I mentioned the Cross now and then—it would be so watered-down it wouldn't matter one way or the other. - Galatians 5:11 (Message Bible)

I am just gonna come straight out and say it. We have become a watered-down world. Watered-down integrity, honesty, love, life, and worst of all watered-down Christianity. Too many people no longer care about the honor that their family name carries. They don't care if their word carries any weight with others. A handshake no longer means anything to most people. And now, Christians no longer want to hear the truth that is in God's word. They want to hear the good news only. They don't want to hear that they have to give up something in order to serve God.

People no longer want to daily take up their cross and fight for the cause of Christ. They want to sit in their overpriced houses and drive their overpriced cars, all while sitting on a mountain of debt they can barely pay. Why? Just so they can look like they are doing well in their social circles. People hide behind masks that hide the truth of their lives. Plus, they won't look at themselves honestly in the mirror to see what is wrong with their lives. They just continue to run around thinking that the next big purchase will soothe the pain they feel inside.

We as Christians have allowed our pastors and leaders to water down God's word and only tell us the "nice" stories of the Bible. We don't want to hear about the trials and tribulations of the "Heroes" in his book.  We don't want to hear how Paul and Moses were murderers, Noah was a drunk, Job had an issue with looking a young women, and David was an adulterer who had his lovers husband killed. The Bible is full of heroes that failed, a entire race that turned its back on God, and even a book that describes erotic sex in the marriage bed. As an imperfect human, why would I want to water down anything in this book? It shows me that the greatest heroes failed, but God still had grace and mercy for them. The problem is, most people don't want to do the work that comes with being a hero for God.

I am glad I have a pastor and friend in Pastor Chad that does not water things down. He has always been straight forward and honest when it comes to God's word, and is not afraid to tell the people of our church how it is. However, it is time for God's people to demand from their pastors and leaders to stop giving us the fluff.  We are no longer babies that need God's "milk". We need the real meat of the Bible to change our lives.  We need to take off the masks and quit lying to ourselves and others.

This may be a shocker to you, but it is OK to not be alright.  God is looking for an army of people that don't have it all together. He wants to use everyone, no matter how good or bad your past is. He wants to meet you right where you are. We just have to quit watering down our lives and be honest with him, ourselves, and those around us. If your pastor doesn't want to deal with your reality, (I'm gonna be bold here) then it's time for you to find a new church and a pastor that cares.

I have been in churches in the past where the only things taught was the fluff of Christianity. Fortunately for me, I don't have to deal with that anymore. I bounced from church to church until I found DC and people that would be honest with me, and help change my life.

So here is my challenge to you. If all you hear is fluff coming from your pastor, ask him to help you face the truth. Ask for help taking off the masks and making a real change in your life. Ask them to help you and others dig deeper into God's word. Find God and quit watering down your life. You will be happy you did.

Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Monday, February 20, 2012

What kind of hero do you want to be?...

But now your kingdom will not last. The Lord has searched for a man after his own heart. The Lord has appointed him ruler of his people. - 1 Samuel 13:14 

As a firefighter, many people see what I do and consider me a hero. I don't see it that way. I see it as the career I chose and part of my job, just like anyone else. I recently had a thought however, about what kind of hero I want to be here on earth. Do I want to be a hero to the masses and have pride in myself, or do I want to be the hero God has called me to be and be humble in what I do for him?

Many people (and I am guilty of this as well) live their lives only to puff themselves up, and make themselves look good. They step on whomever they need to step on. While on the outside they may look like a hero, there are piles of bodies they have stepped on to get where they are at.

God has called us to be better than this. King Saul lost the grace of God because he did what he wanted to do to make himself look the hero. Due to this, God had Samuel anoint David as the next king. David is known as "a man after God's own heart." Was David perfect? No. He committed adultery and also had a man killed, but he still knew what kind of man God had called him to be. After his times of weakness and wrong decisions, David turned back to God and changed the lives of many and was known as one of Israels greatest kings. All because he did what God wanted him to do.

We have a choice to make in our lives. Live as we want to and try to make ourselves look better at the expense of others, or live humbly and try to change the lives of others for the better. Either way we will become a hero to someone, maybe many. The difference is this, do you make the world better by what you do? Do you make someone's life better and help them, or do you step on them just to get to your next social position?

No matter how big your "kingdom" or finances are here on earth, remember this, they will not last. Your money, your house, your car, your electronics, your jewelry, they will all come to an end. Plus, when you die you can't take them with you. On the flip side, your legacy, what you have done for others, the memories of who you were, how you touched others will live on, whether good or bad.

I have come to the point where, while I want to provide nice things for my family, my finances and "kingdom" no longer matter as much as the lives I want to touch. I know as long as I follow what God has planned for my life and my family, he will provide. He will make sure we always have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and a way to get from A to B. We may not have the most fancy or "latest and greatest", but we have the greatest of all in our hearts.

As for me and my house we will follow the Lord. Won't you please decide to do that also. Become the hero God wants you to be. Not so you can have pride in yourself, but so God can be proud of you for doing what he wants you to do. It is a tough decision to make and it is very hard to get yourself out of the way, but it can be done.

Remember this as you move forward: You may not be able to help everyone, but you can start by just helping one. Change the world for the better. Be a hero for God. Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The one time it is ok to hate...

Then, as before, I threw myself down before the Lord for forty days and nights. I ate no bread and drank no water because of the great sin you had committed by doing what the Lord hated, provoking him to anger. - Deuteronomy 9:18 NLT

One of the biggest challenges I have faced as a Christian adult is apathy. Not having a burning desire to change or do anything to grow in my relationship with God. This also included my sins. I just attributed it to stumbling or using the excuse that no one is perfect. That is until I got hit in the face with a startling reality. I did not hate my sins.

We are shown in this passage from Deuteronomy that the Israelites did a great sin and did what the Lord hated. He hated it enough that it made him angry. If God hated this sin, and every sin (no matter how big or small) is still a sin, then God hates all sin.

Growing up, we were taught as kids not to hate. We were taught that everyone is unique and equal at the same time. I still believe that with every fiber of my being. We are all born equal in God's eyes, so why should anyone be treated different than I am? The problem with this thought is that we allow it to flow over into every thought process in our brain.

From my point of view, most Christians just try to skim by with the bare minimum. Too many of us just go from Sunday to Sunday, sitting in our seats for an hour, then living however we want during the week. We don't ever make the true decision to take up our cross and follow Jesus. Now, these people are not bad or evil, but they are not walking the way they should. They try to live "moral" lives, but never aspire to move beyond sitting in a chair on Sunday. Why? Because they don't hate.

Take a breath and let me explain. Why do people fight in wars or fight for a cause they believe in? Because they hate what is being done to people or by the people they oppose. So why in the world do we not hate the ONE thing that separates us from a life altering relationship with Christ? Our sin!

I have recently been challenging myself and the men of my church with this one question, and I think everyone should apply it to their own lives: Do you hate your sin enough to change? Notice I did not say fight, I just said change. I believe that before you are ready to fight you have to make that inner change to truly follow Christ because you hate your sin.

Now, let me continue by saying that this is easier said than done. I remember in my past when I was hooked on pornography, every time I got my porn fix I would look in the mirror and absolutely hate myself and the images I had just viewed. However, I was apathetic and didn't hate it enough to change, much less fight. It took a long time for me to reach the point of hate that I needed in order to act. When I did I had to include Bible reading, prayer time, and peers to hold me accountable. It has not been easy, but it has been worth it.

So here is my challenge to you. First, be completely honest with yourself AND God. Second, put yourself in front of a hypothetical mirror, and pray that God show you the sins you need to hate (this will be more obvious for some than others). Next, when God reveals those sins to you, (this is the change part) STOP DOING THEM. Then, read the Bible daily and find peers to help you with your walk. Finally, as you grow in your faith, ask God to show you where he can use you in this fight.

So there it is. It's not just time to change the world around you, it's also time to change your world. Start working on yourself and those around you will be affected. Remember, no one can be perfect, but that doesn't give us a reason to continue in our sin. Keep up the fight, love everyone but (for the one time I feel it is ok) hate your sin.

Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A God filled life...?

Your job is to speak out on the things that make for solid doctrine. Guide older men into lives of temperance, dignity, and wisdom, into healthy faith, love and endurance. - Titus 2:1-2 (Message Bible)

I have had so many things going through my head the last few days, but I have been unable to straighten them out or put them into words. However, this morning as part of my daily Bible reading, I read Titus 2 and all of my thoughts lined up. Am I leading a God-filled life and am I leading others to do the same? My answer: I'm trying to. Although, in the words of the wise Master Yoda, "Do or do not, there is no try." I feel I am doing the best I can to lead others and my family to a God-filled life. Do I stumble and fall, yes. Any honest Christian will tell you the truth, no one is perfect.  

While reading Titus 2, I realized that I have had too narrow a focus on leading others to a God-filled life. I have recently been trying to lead only men. Mostly due to the fact I am working on a men's ministry that I am very passionate about. However, if you read the whole chapter, it talks about guiding women to lead lives of reverence and be models of goodness. "By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives." Titus 2:4-5. If we teach not just older women, but also the twenty and thirtysomethings how to lead God-filled lives, it will trickle down to the next generation of girls and change the world.

In verse six, it says "Also, guide the young men to live disciplined lives." Followed up in verse seven and eight with, "but mostly, show them all this by doing it yourself, incorruptible in your teaching, your words solid and sane." What this says to me is simply this, discipline your kids when they need it, but live the life you are trying to get your kids to live. Plus, always stand by your word, don't tell them one thing and do something different.

So here we go with the foot smashing. Do you spank your kids for having a "potty mouth", then turn around and curse when you accidentally smash your thumb? Do you punish your kids for being mean to other children, then turn around and yell at your spouse, friends, or co-workers when they are around? Time to put on the grown up pants and look in the mirror. Be HONEST with yourself. Are you living the life you want your kids or (for those who don't have kids yet) the next generation to live? Are you doing what is necessary to change in order to live a life of integrity and honor?

Here is probably my favorite part of this chapter: "God's readiness to give and forgive is now public. Salvation's available for everyone! We're being shown how to turn our backs on a godless, indulgent life, and how to take on a God-filled, God-honoring life. This new life is starting right now." Titus 2:11-12

Forgiveness and salvation are public and available to EVERYONE. God does not hate ANYONE and will meet EVERYONE right where they are. God only hates sin. However, if you are honest with yourself and God, and start living a God-filled life, don't expect God to leave you where you are. You will grow, as a Christian, father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, friend, boss, co-worker, and so on. We have all been called to a better life and to raise future generations to be better than us.

What are you doing to live a God-filled life and raise a better future generation? If you are wondering, I am looking at my reflection in my laptop as I write this, so this is for me too.

Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

For Single men, it is hard but not impossible...

But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. - Ephesians 5:3 (NIV)

Ok, I've been thinking really hard about how to address this issue with single men. I've been married to the love of my life for almost 9 years, and it is hard to remember what things were like when I was single. Plus, I wasn't the most pure man during that point of my life. I have been reading a lot on the subject of purity, and I think I have figured out how to share my thoughts for single men.

First, let me say I do not envy any single men out there right now.  The world is hyper-sexualized, and it is near impossible to get away from sexual stimulation. However, as Ephesians 5:3 states, we can not have even "a hint of sexual immorality." This is gonna sound kinda hard and harsh to you single guys, but remember all things are possible with Christ. Guys have to get rid of EVERY sexual stumbling block in their lives, whether single or married. This can be from the obvious mens pornographic magazines, your favorite movie or video game that has a scantly clad woman that makes you think dirty thoughts, or going to work a different way so you don't stop at the gas station where the popular mens magazines are sold. It can also mean hanging out with a different crowd or group of people at work. Just know this won't be a cake walk.

This is the part where you single guys will hate me. I have been reading the book Every Man's Battle, by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoker, and have discovered many things about the battle in men over sex. Men need to understand that we are sexual beings and that God has made sex for us to enjoy, but only after marriage. Men are aroused by visual stimulation more than anything. So for all men, but especially single men trying to stay pure for marriage, we have to fight a war with our eyes. The rest of this is pointed directly at single men, but you married men can take what you need to hear from what I have to say. The easiest way to win this war sounds easy, but make no mistake it is not. You must make the conscious decision to not look at any visual stimulation that would cause us to lust after a woman. Like I mentioned, easier said than done.

You might ask, "What does this include?" Obviously it includes porn; movies that contain nudity; magazines that show women that may not be nude, but are almost nude in sexually provocative positions; Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit Edition; posters and calendars of bikini babes; and any thing else that might make you fantasize about the woman you are looking at. Sounds harsh doesn't it. Here is my question to you, do you want to win this war? How pure do you want to be for your future wife? The more pure you are, the better chance you have of seeing the lady you are dating as a person, not as an object to conquer sexually. She will respect you more for this, and an amazing bond may form that may lead to a wonderful marriage and life together.

Sound good?

I know it sounds hard so far, but don't the challenge deter you. Now for the hard part. You must make a covenant with your eyes not to look at anything that will cause you to lust. This means when the beautiful woman with the more-than-abundant cleavage comes jogging by you while you are out running, you must look away. When you go to the lake during the summer, you must not dwell on those string bikinis and the curves they are covering (or not covering). You must divert your eyes to keep these mental photos from being stuck in your mind, and becoming your personal fantasy when you get home.

You single men must realize that even us married men struggle with this part, but it is possibly the most important battle you must win in this fight. If you can make the decision in your heart and make a habit of looking the other way, you will win this war. Now, I know things will catch your attention, but you must learn to "bounce" your eyes away. This means as soon as you see it, don't linger and move your vision somewhere else. Don't let the things that catch your eye lead you to lust and sin. Learn this habit and you will be well on your way.

Here is my final thought for you single guys. Get some other single men, or married men you trust, to help keep you accountable. Get a program like X3 to monitor your web history with an accountability partner. Find men you trust, be honest with each other, and fight to win this war.

Ultimately, the choice is up to you on whether you want to win this war and be pure or not. How bad do you hate your sin and addictions? Do you hate it bad enough to fight with every fiber of your being? What will you give up to win this war? Think about it, then decide whether or not to fight.

Thanks for stopping by and God Bless...